Tenkiller Ferry Lake, commonly known as Lake Tenkiller, is beloved by fishermen, pleasure boaters and scuba divers alike.
Located in the Cookson Hills of Eastern Oklahoma, this body of water is renowned for its clear water and recreation opportunities.
The lake is sourced by the Illinois and Baron Fork Rivers, both designated Oklahoma Scenic Rivers. This part of Oklahoma is known as “Green Country” and it’s not hard to see why. Surrounded by dense oak-hickory forests, tall bluffs and rolling hills, the 130 mile shoreline is a visual treat. Hikers enjoy three trails around the lake—one within a half mile of Strayhorn Marina.
The lake area is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Deer, turkey, fox and squirrels are common along the shore and boaters are often thrilled to see bald eagles, loons, Canadian geese and white pelicans on the water. Fishermen search the coves for black bass, white bass, striped bass, crappie and catfish and report the fishing is good! The trout stream below the dam is one of only two year round trout fisheries in Oklahoma and is regularly stocked with rainbow trout. In addition, Tenkiller is Oklahoma’s Scuba Diving Lake with a dive course near the main state park.
Tenkiller truly has something for everyone!